Thursday, April 30, 2015

What If

What if tonight were the night?
It could be.
I'd get blamed for being selfish
Leaving my children
The cowardly thing to do.
But what if?
The pain would be gone
And I would be free.
The tears would dry up
My acquaintances wouldn't
Miss me
And the people who pretended
They loved me would whisper
In hushed tones
Saying she had a dysfunctional
After a few weeks the quiet voices
Wouldn't talk anymore
The sympathy cards would stop coming
And they'd go on living
Just like they did
When I was here
Staring bleakly into the sunset
Until it was their time
To return to the earth
Let the composting begin
We all must go sometime.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

In the End

I struggle today
With self-imposed
Feelings of inadequacy
Tightening around my neck
Like the scarf wrapped
Too tightly around the mannequin
In Long Beach
I don't loathe myself
Truly blessed am I
Thankful for my parents
One perhaps
On the edge of thriving
Peripheral expectations
If only I could break free
Take a risk
Today is messy and uncertain
Joy thiefs lurk under
The Golden Gate Bridge
I pound my fists against
My limitations
If I surrender
I have a chance
But I'm not one for happy endings
Hope remains illusive
Self compassion dead
Dirty laundry piling up in baskets
Beckoning me
Succumbing to the temptation
Of chaos
Death should follow soon
But I've never been the lucky one