Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Who am I?

Vibrant, personable, confident,  and smart
Sister of one; Amy is her name
Lover of laughing in unison, running barefoot in the rain,  and listening to you read to me
Who feels joy when you reach out to me, fear when meteorologists forecast tornado warnings, and lonliness in a marriage of fourteen years
Who needs your touch, your ear, and your love
Who gives compassion,  empathy, and perspective
Who fears not taking risks, growing old and being alone, and film noir endings
Who would like to see a different reality than my own, a vision of hope for those who have lost it, and a symbiotic relationship where I am loved the way I need to be loved
Who lives in a brick starter ranch house that isn't really a home

1 comment:

  1. Seraphim or Samsara, worlds collide beneath bright moons
    that drip like silver drops in your eyes,
    staring at you in unison like a trick painting that follows you across the room.

    Seraphim and Samsara, mythical angels that sing to you
    of cycles of life, death and rebirth,
    of change and revelation,
    of unconditional love.

    Seraphim with Samsara, the beast and the beauty
    that touched the other where lava flows,
    where darkness and light blend and bend
    into infinity.
